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Reporting a theft is the same thing as committing one


A few months ago I suggested in an offhand fooling around kind of way that when the Republicans actually stole the next election, Democrats complaints about this would be treated by centrist galaxy-brained pundits as literally the same thing as Trump’s Big Lie.

This was supposed to be sarcastic hyberbole, not tomorrow’s news today.

The Washington Post no less:

Interviewing Vice President Harris on Thursday morning, NBC “Today” show host Savannah Guthrie pointed out that it’s “astonishing” to hear Biden echo Trump, who liked to say ahead of the 2020 election that the only way he could lose was if the results were “rigged.” When Guthrie asked whether the results this year would be free and fair, Harris twice declined to directly answer. Instead, the vice president said that 55 million Americans will feel the consequences of states passing new laws making it more difficult to vote. She said that “the solution” is the two bills — which had died the night before in the Senate. “Let’s not be distracted by the political gamesmanship,” Harris said.

About two hours after Harris’s cringeworthy interview, White House press secretary Jen Psaki tweeted that Biden wasn’t casting doubt on the legitimacy of the next election. “He was explaining that the results would be illegitimate if states do what the former president asked them to do after the 2020 election: toss out ballots and overturn results after the fact,” she said.

Which is pretty much what Trump said in 2020, that he would accept the results — if Democrats didn’t cheat. Now, the White House is saying Biden will accept the results — if Republicans don’t cheat.

See if you can figure out what the difference is between these two situations. if you can, you are disqualified from a potential career as a Very Serious DC Pundit.

I got nothing.

OK one thing: The sheer level of gaslighting involved here is actually hard to grasp. They OPENLY steal elections, while accusing their opponents of doing what they themselves are in fact doing. And the media are so impossibly committed to the Both Sides frame that they treat uncontroversially false complaints (Democrats are stealing elections) and uncontroversially true complaints (Republicans openly plotted to steal the 2020 election and are openly planning to try again) as indistinguishable from each other.

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