How Not to Solve the Supply Chain Crisis
The California docks have a solution to solve the supply chain backups. Will it shock you to learn that said solution just happens to fit their own personal preferences around repealing labor and environmental regulations that they opposed before this crisis began? No, I suppose not. Hiltzik on this:
Anyone familiar with how business leaders react to any purported crisis affecting them could have predicted that they would try to take advantage of the temporary backup at the port to push their long-term wish list: Cut regulations. Require workers to labor longer hours for lower pay and with fewer workplace protections. Drop environmental quality concerns into the dumpster.
Never mind that most of these options would do little to relieve the backup at the ports. They would, however, undermine newly passed state labor laws and fulfill their enduring goal of eviscerating the groundbreaking California Environmental Quality Act.
CEQA, as it’s known, has been a target of builders and industrialists ever since it was signed in 1970 by Gov. Ronald Reagan.
The business community isn’t waging this war alone. It has the backing of anti-regulation libertarians such as Virginia Postrel, who in a recent opinion column for Bloomberg attributed the port logjam to California “Nimbyism” (that is, the not-in-my-backyard syndrome).
Why it’s almost as if the corporate community is nothing but dishonest actors all the way down.