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Why is NY elections administration such a disaster?


This is not actually about ranked-choice voting per se — NY elections admin has been awful for time out of mind — but I worry that this will be used by pro-plurality-voting people, just like NY is often used to justify malicious vote suppression practices by cynical Republican politicians:

The New York City mayor’s race plunged into chaos on Tuesday night after the city Board of Elections released a new tally of votes in the Democratic mayoral primary, and then, several hours later, removed the tabulations from its website while citing a “discrepancy.”

The results released earlier in the day had suggested that the race between Eric Adams and his two closest rivals had tightened significantly.

But just a few hours after releasing the results, the elections board issued a mysterious tweet revealing a “discrepancy” in the report, saying that it was working with its “technical staff to identify where the discrepancy occurred.”

The discrepancy was related to the “difference in votes cast” between what was disclosed on primary night and the results released on Tuesday, according to a Board of Elections official.

This is a really serious problem being treated with a notable lack of urgency by the relevant public officials.

…tough but fair:

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