Carrots and sticks

Giving tax credits to employers who give employees time off to get vaccinated is a great idea:
President Biden on Wednesday called on every employer in America to give employees paid time off to get vaccinated, the administration’s latest move to try to persuade the more than half of the nation’s adults who have yet to get a dose to do so.
“No working American should lose a single dollar from their paycheck because they chose to fill their patriotic duty to get vaccinated,” Mr. Biden said.
White House officials also said the administration would offer a paid leave tax credit to offset the cost for companies with fewer than 500 employees.
The announcement came during a presidential address to mark what Mr. Biden called a major milestone: 200 million shots in the arms of the American people, with a week to go before the president’s 100th day in office. As of Wednesday, more than 199 million doses had been administered across the country beginning Jan. 20, according to data as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In general, positive incentives are preferable to negative ones. But I do think that nursing homes and other facilities with large vulnerable populations should require their employees to get vaccinated. And institutions like universities that already require proof of some vaccinations should of course apply this to COVID-19 as soon as everyone has reasonable access to the vaccines.
In personal news, I am now two weeks out from Pfizer shot #2. Happy to have survived so far!