Home / General / If you want a picture of the GOP’s future, imagine a Trump shrieking “MAGAMAGAMAGIMMEMONEYMAGA!” forever.

If you want a picture of the GOP’s future, imagine a Trump shrieking “MAGAMAGAMAGIMMEMONEYMAGA!” forever.

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Treasure Island Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada June 18, 2016. REUTERS/David Becker/Files

I agree that the various Republicans in Congress who are contesting a specific part of the 2020 election as it was decided in a handful of states are trying to set the stage for their own political futures.

But that’s just more proof that they’re fucking morons.

Everyone else has seen the future of the Republican Party and it is gross, ignorant, vindictive and up to its cantilevered comb forward in debt. It’s been the party’s future since the latter part of 2016.

The presidency of the United States became another Trump, LLC property when he was elected. So far as he’s concerned, its his and he doesn’t share, ever. Is there a damn thing the GOP can do about it? Not unless aliens zap their brains a la Steve Dallas. In fact, their current attempts to overturn the election are cementing his belief that it is his, forever. As a result, this is the GOP’s future if the attempt to overturn the presidential election fails: He’ll keep campaigning for 2024, and that will include vicious attacks against any Republican who tries to take his presidency.

The future if the GOP somehow succeeds – perhaps they scrape up another soul or two to sell to Beelzebub – in overturning the election: He’ll keep campaigning for 2024, complete with vicious attacks against any Republican who tries to take his presidency.

Like he’s going to give a damn about XXII when he’s gotten so far by ignoring the laws he can understand. C’mon, man.

While he has a pulse, he will will be struggling to stay in or get back into the White House. Not for him anything that resembles a normal post-presidency career. The thought of him endorsing another candidate for POTUS is actually LOL funny.

What the rest of the party might think about it also became irrelevant when he was elected. And now they have spent months agreeing with him that he really won and all you have to do to prove you won is scream conspiracy theories real loud, and no one can scream them like the Dick a l’Orange himself. (Update: Since I wrote this last night I see that Pence has also given support to the idea that one shouty lawyer can get the VPOTUS to do his bidding. Whether Pence knows Lin Wood from a hole in the ground is also irrelevant.)

That brings me to the other thing that is now a Trump, LLC property: An inconveniently large percentage of the Republican vote. Talk about hearts and minds. They love everything about him, the whining, the cruelty, the off-the-charts skeeve factor. Anyone who thinks they’ll be satisfied with poseurs like Hawley, Cruz or Cotton – men who have only been married once, never owned a gold-plated crapper and don’t have dozens of failed businesses and accusations of sexual assault to their name – should get in touch with me about a fantastic investment opportunity involving apple orchards in Allegany Co., Maryland.

Trying to get his supporters to settle for anything else would be like trying to treat someone’s cocaine addiction by giving them crushed up aspirin, complete with what the addict would do to the person who switched their coke with aspirin.

And that brings me to what happens after he goes off to MAGAhalla to eat overdone steaks slathered in ketchup for all eternity. He currently has three offspring who are old enough to be president, including one who has the same name, attitude, approach to marriage vows and no use for crushed aspirin, IYKWIM&ITYD.

They all think the presidency is a Trump, LLC property. When he’s done with it they’ll all want it, they’ll all expect to get it and because there can only be one POTUS at a time and they’re all so very trashy, the fights will be so very public. It will take outlets like CNN less than a zeptosecond to decide a running battle between children of a former president is much better for the ratings than normal campaign coverage. They’re also all young enough to be pains in the ass for decades.

The GOP’s only hope for a trump-free party once DJT is gone would be to throw enough money at them to keep them quiet. The only problem: There isn’t that much money.

In an ideal world they’d all be tossed in prison for so long that everyone would forget about them, but we live in a world where a lot of trump supporters are still mad about the outcome of the Civil War, so even if they do all wind up in prison, they won’t be forgotten. Absent a suitable substitute – ie someone who is as least as disgusting as the Grabber-in-Chief and genuinely so – voter enthusiasm will drop. No, the GOP has been working towards something like trump for decades and it will take a lot longer to purge it from their political system. Whether anyone survives the process is anyone’s guess.

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