Shaming and shunning
Jennifer Rubin’s twitter feed brings the fire:
We often underestimate the power of naming and shaming. Trump supporters should be made to fear the prospect of being treated as pariahs in the wider world outside their cultish bubbles.
For example, shame on institutions like Notre Dame Law School, which invited William Barr to give a speech to law students this past October, when exposing law students to William Barr is the pedagogical equivalent of bringing someone with COVID-19 into a nursing home.
The law school’s dean, G. Marcus Cole, was too much of a coward to even reply to an (exceedingly polite) email I sent him, asking him whether on reflection it was actually a desirable thing to give Barr a platform to spread his poisonous messages. Cole had sent out a pompous little missive prior to the speech, preening himself on his commitment to “intellectual diversity,” and threatening sanctions against anyone who should protest Barr’s appearance in an insufficiently respectful and demur manner. As a result, Cole’s invitation to Barr naturally drew hosannas from the usual suspects, who decried any “political correctness” on questions such as whether law schools should actively enable fascism.
Speaking of political correctness, Jennifer Rubin remains a self-identified conservative, but her refusal to give any quarter in regard to Trump and his countless enablers is politically correct in the real and precise meaning of that much-abused term.