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Burnishing Bush


George War-Criminal Bush has released a video. Because shit isn’t dreadful enough, I guess.

urging Americans to “remember that empathy and simple kindness are essential powerful tools of national recovery.”

That Bush is around to make inspirational videos is not the worst part. The worst part is that every time the Crawford Cretin makes an appearance, it unleashes a wave of bizarre fauxstalgia for the days when he was the worst president in living history.

Here’s former member of Congress Rep. Katie Hill exhibiting all the classic symptoms.

In a million years I never thought I’d be crying watching this, thinking how much better we’d all feel if Bush were president today. Wtf.

I assume “we” refers to Rep. Hill and her brain worms because if I were going to pick a president I absolutely would not want in office during a major pandemic it would be the chuckling pseudo-hick from Texas via Connecticut who snoozed on warnings about a terrorist attack, lied us into a war because of some sort of bizarre Oedipal thing he has going with Herbert Walker, and completely fucked up the preparation and response to Hurricane Katrina which resulted in still more dead bodies littering the streets of yet another U.S. city.

Also, wishing Bush was still in office indicates a failure to connect his tenure to the hyper-privileged dimwit failson who is currently in the White House, which calls into question the ability for any sort of rational thought.

Of course, you could argue that if Dubya were in office, that the fuck up would be of a different quality. But you’d sound like an asshole, so don’t bother.

But it was John Rogers – who appears to be something in the small screen biz – who spelled out a belief that is pretty common among people who are strange enough to miss Dubya.

I don’t see the pining for George W. Bush so much as erasure of his atrocious record and failures, but a reaction to the fact that, at the very least, he can PERFORM empathy.

In other words, Bush could sometimes act like he gave a shit and a lot of people think that is good.


Here’s a thing that I wish all of the people who have memorized Wikipedia’s pages on narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders since DT was elected could understand: Empathy can be mimicked. And when a bad person who doesn’t feel empathy can fake it, they’re a bigger nightmare than the empathy-free ones who can’t. In large part because the performance of empathy causes lots of idiots to think the person who occasionally stops being an absolute cockend to exhibit solemnity or seriousness can’t be all that bad.

However, I do often suspect that the people who make noises about Dubya’s ability to act presidential are trying to find an acceptable way to say that they personally did not feel threatened by his presidency. That what they miss isn’t the comfort of his twangy bromides or the way his beady peepers could sometimes puddle up at the right moment.

What they miss is the belief that his shit would always roll down hill, so to speak. Someone would have their lives ruined or ended by malevolent incompetence, but it wouldn’t be them.

But that’s just a guess on my part. If I’m right, fuck them. People who would  be happier if the DOPUS would just take some acting lessons deserve nothing but scorn. And people really do miss Dubya because he could play nice, still fuck them.

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