Home / a political history of the future / Impeachment treats a symptom, but it can’t cure the disease

Impeachment treats a symptom, but it can’t cure the disease

Kaitlin Byrd – GothamGirlBlue

On Twitter @GothamGirlBlue shared a few truths about who will bear the cost of impeachment and why it is only is only part of a solution.

If the dominant members of this society think that impeaching Trump – or otherwise getting him out of the White House before he is ready to go – means that the U.S.A. has licked its corrupt idiot fascist problem, this country will be as fucked as a cancer patient whose doctor pronounces them cured when the tumor is excised. And as Byrd notes, marginalized people will bear the brunt.

However, I think that’s where we’re headed, and not just because I regularly see people talk about this thing called Trumpism, which is supposedly somehow markedly different from Republicanism, which either was supposedly somehow pretty much OK until sometime after Nov. 8, 2016, or continues to exist in the wild somewhere, like Aragorn in a thousand-dollar suit.

The real problem is that a lot of white Americans must pretend he was a fluke because he represents a huge embarrassment to the U.S.A, and that makes him a huge embarrassment to white Americans. Remember, during the last election the predominantly white Republican party had 17 candidates they could have nominated. They went with the man who made Ted Cruz seem less unlikable.

It should not be possible to look at the man and his bizarre behavior and his horrible words and policies and the support of Republicans in elected office and the 91% approval rating among Republican voters and the terrorism and mass murders he and the propaganda outlets of the right wing have inspired and think the U.S.A. and the members of its dominant demographic were ever perfectly fine and rational, or that this is a temporary lapse of reason caused by one person.

The truth is that no matter how and why the latest Republican horror leaves the White House, Republicans aren’t going to snap out of it and admit the error of their ways. They’re going to be looking for another fix and they’re going to be looking for something stronger. And that’s why whatever gets him out of office has to be the first step in healing the country, not the last.

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