More Perot

I regret not preparing one of my extended obituaries for Ross Perot (I have 14 ready to go and 3 more in progress), but to be honest, I kind of forgot about his existence. But in day after someone like this dies, you end up learning a lot more about them. And with a weirdo billionaire like Perot, that is often going to look good on them. Such as this:
In March, as Perot battled leukemia, in the last documented political act of his life, he wrote two checks for the legal maximum amount to Trump’s campaign for president, including for the general election next year.— James Pindell (@JamesPindell) July 9, 2019
What could be more appropriate? Perot was always a MAGA racist, just expressed in a slightly different way. Trump is more advanced and raw version of what Perot offered.
But this, now this is damning:
Without Ross Perot’s belief and willingness to bet on it early on, @TeachForAmerica wouldn’t exist today. His support enabled a generation of leaders to pour their hearts and souls into expanding opportunity for the next generation and will forever be part of his enduring legacy.— Wendy Kopp (@wendykopp) July 10, 2019
When Wendy Kopp praises you, that’s next level horrorshow stuff. I looked into this a bit, and oh yeah. From 1990:
Teach for America is the brainchild of Wendy Kopp, a 22-year-old who graduated from Princeton last June. At the beginning of her senior year she attended a conference on how to improve education. Why not, she thought, unsure of her own future, a Peace Corps for teachers?
At length she persuaded a faculty member to let her develop the idea into her senior thesis. (She received an A.) Then she wrote to big corporations. Union Carbide gave her office space in its Manhattan headquarters; its chairman, Robert Kennedy, was the first recruit on Teach for America’s board. Mobil Oil gave a $26,000 seed grant. Since last summer, Ms. Kopp has collected more than $700,000 from corporations and foundations. From Dallas, where she attended public and private schools, Ross Perot, the businessman, has put up a $500,000 challenge grant. Now, with 23 full-time staff members, Ms. Kopp is bringing Teach for America to life.
I knew Perot was a bad guy, but comic supervillain was less expected!
Meanwhile, I don’t even know what Bernie was doing here. Being nice, I suppose, but that’s not his strong suit and no one running for president on an anti-billionaire platform should praise one this way.
Ross Perot was a champion for veterans’ rights and ahead of his time on disastrous trade policies. During his campaign, he explained, in depth, how he would address our national problems and spurred serious discussion. Ross Perot was a one-of-a kind American. He will be missed.— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) July 9, 2019