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Thursday Food Links and Open Thread

I rage against the machine by screenshotting recipes that are behind a paywall.
NOTE: I used fewer jalapeños than the recipe called for because I live with 2 heat-sensitive individuals. I found it still had plenty of heat and flavor.


  • I stopped subscribing to America’s Test Kitchen for a couple of reasons: 1.) It was expensive 2.) They took one of my favorite recipes off of their myriad, confusing websites and 3.) They kept sending me books I didn’t order, and I was too lazy to send them back.
  • Milk Street is one magazine and website I can get my arms around, and it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to access their recipes. I’ve tried 2 of them now and they’ve both been delightful.
  • Last night I made Beef and Bacon tacos. They’re hearty and satisfying. When the recipe suggested serving them with nothing more than shredded cabbage and cilantro, I was skeptical, but, honestly, they’re so flavor-packed that’s all they really need. Milk Street is 2 for 2, baby!
  • I really appreciated this interview with Sarah Bowen, Joslyn Brenton, and Sinikka Elliott about the obsession with home cooking. While I am a huge proponent, I am also hugely privileged in that I can devote the time and energy needed to prepare home-cooked meals every night. While I have you here, I’d like to admit to is that even though I am a stay-at-home mom and my one child is at school for a big chunk of the day, even I sometimes balk at the idea of prepping and cooking a meal, then cleaning up afterwards. Unless you’re a member of the idle rich class, standing on your feet, cooking and cleaning at 5, 6, 7 at night simply isn’t that appealing after already having spent a day cleaning, tidying, running errands, and doing the 1,000 nitnoid things adults have to do every day. So simply shouting “eat healthy, home-cooked meals!” at people probably isn’t productive. If we want people to do that–and I very much do–we need to create a world where people have the time and money and resources  to do it. Right now, we absolutely do not have that world.
  • It’s about freaking time. Here’s an old article from Helen Rosner about how iceberg lettuce is good, actually. I’m glad someone finally had the courage to say it.


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