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How Your Generating Campus PC Panics With Bullshit Random Andecdotes Sausage Gets Made


Campus PC is truly OUT OF CONTROL:

A student at the University of Missouri was found to be in violation of Title IX in part because he asked another student out on a date and is physically larger than she is.

Asking a smaller person out on a date violates civil rights law? WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO? Only:

Leading to this grimly hilarious update:

Editor’s Note: This article and its headline have been updated since its original publication to reflect that the Title IX violation allegation was only in part due to the asking of another student out on a date.

But all of the pontification based on the ludicrous initial description of the case is still there. What a country!

Update [PC]:

Hey kids, it’s a Christmas Miracle!

Being Bigger Than the Person You’re Asking Out Deemed Title IX Violation

This article has been retracted.Editor’s Note: This article and its headline originally stated that a male student at the University of Missouri was found in violation of Title IX because he asked a female student on a date and “was perceived as having power over her.” The article accurately quoted the deposition of the Title IX case, but it left out relevant details. In fact, the male student had made repeated, unwelcome advances toward the female student and was found in violation of Title IX for stalking her. He is suing the university and alleging that its Title IX office engaged in arbitrary enforcement and racial discrimination, but his lawsuit does not contest the fact pattern left out of this article. We are retracting the article and we regret the error. The article, including the the initial editor’s note, is below.
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