
https://twitter.com/rjcc/status/946164168712949765In making a deal with Milo Yiannopoulos, Simon & Schuster/Threshold Editions seems to have gotten what it asked for, but not what it wanted. Anyone who wants to see what happens when the worlds of The Random House Guide to Good Writing and Blightfart’s Most Infamous Troll collide should check the second link, which goes to the Editor’s Cut of Dangerous. It may take a moment to load, but it’s worth it.

Add a short and serious statement here that sets out why you do what you do, without trolling, without bombast, without name-calling, and without ego. This will male for a stronger opening than playing to your core audience.

That was the first paragraph of the first comment. Also a sign that things are not going to go well.

Don’t start chapter with accusation that feminists = fat. It destroys any seriousness of purpose.

Put it in the middle of the chapter, after you’ve conveyed your Serious Purpose.

Unsupportable charge.

In a book written by a white supremacist stirrer of shit? Shocking.

Delete irrelevant and superfluous ethnic joke.

Only relevant and necessary ethnic jokes, please.


And so on.

Clearly Mr. Ivers didn’t enjoy editing the book, to the point that he used … sarcasm. However, like Mr. Lawler I do wonder why S & S decided to publish Yiannopoulos’ book if it didn’t want a few hundred pages of hur-durring about ugly feminists, black penises, the unbearable greatness of Yiannopoulos, and so on.

If the publisher knew enough about Yiannopoulos to offer him a book deal, it had to have known that’s half of what he does: Write shitty things shittily to amuse the shitty people who read his shit. The other half is saying the same things in the same way in front of a live audience. Or threatening to do so and then changing his mind and shouting OPPRESSION!

Many of Ivers’ comments indicate the publisher intended to sanitize Yiannopoulos for the type of conservative readers who insist that hatred be given a thin veneer of respectability and diluted with dog whistles before they’ll consume it. Believing that a man whose claim to fame is saying whatever he wants would play along with the process is as realistic as expecting a sub-par white guy who got rich by bragging and punching down to produce a decent manuscript.

It’s a bit like the delusion that tRump would straighten up and Be Serious once he entered the White House and was surrounded by the imaginary Wise Advisers he’d surround himself with. The difference being that Simon & Schuster/Threshold could have brought in a ghost writer and gotten the infamy of a book by Milo Yiannopoulos, self-styled Internet Super Villain, without the headaches of dealing with what passes for writing at places like Breitbart.

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