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Need a break from watching Republicans trash the U.S.? (Update)

The vapor tracers may be visible from New York to North Carolina and westward to Charlottesville, Virginia. Click the photo to enlarge. Credit: NASA

If you live inside the circles you may be able to watch NASA contribute to chemtrail conspiracy theories for years to come.

The launch of a Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket to test a new ampoule ejection system for supporting studies of the ionosphere and aurora is scheduled for June 12 between 9:04 and 9:19 p.m. EDT from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility.

The launch was postponed during an attempt June 11 due to boats in the launch range hazard area.

The multi-canister ampoule ejection system flying on this mission will allow scientists to gather information over a much larger area than previously able.

Canisters will deploy between 4 and 5.5 minutes after launch releasing blue-green and red vapor to form artificial clouds. These clouds, or vapor tracers, allow scientists on the ground to visually track particle motions in space. The clouds may be visible along the mid-Atlantic coastline from New York to North Carolina.

According to the WaPo it may look like an aurora, a phenomenon that only makes it to my latitude when I go to bed early.

Update: Scrubbed due to cloudy skies, they’ll try again tomorrow. If you aren’t in the magic circle of rocket watching, or would just like to know more about very loud things that very fast, check out the Wallops Island Ustream channel.

Some music if you need something to listen to while you’re waiting to learn whether the launch will go off, this time.

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