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Doctor my lies


Trumpcare is so bad that Republicans can’t figure out how to lie to their constituents about it.

“They’re scared,” said Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.), whose district voted for President Trump. “[They] feel like they’re about to lose it and they’re going to die. And if we cannot explain to people that is not going to happen, then it’s going to be very difficult to ever bring a bill to the floor.”

That is, Republicans can’t convince themselves that they can come up with a lie that will convince their constituents that their representative isn’t to blame for whatever happens to them if the AHCA passes. Given the very low bar the GOP has set for its lies and the contempt it holds for any supporter who doesn’t happen to have a few million dollars lying around, this may well be a first. So naturally they’re upset that no one will come up with a good lie for them.

Many lawmakers expressed frustration at having to figure out on their own how the recent changes to the bill would affect consumers.

What a pity there’s no office at Congress that is tasked with figuring out the impact a bill would have on things like the budget and consumers people and stuff.

They complain that Trump should be playing a bigger role, explaining the legislation to wary voters,

So they don’t want this thing to pass?

while others bemoan that Congress never dug into the thorny policy details to devise a workable healthcare alternative.

Whiny AND Lazy. But wait, Sleepy Spicer has come up with an You’ll have to pull the trigger to see if the gun is loaded explanation.

It works so well for climate change denial, maybe re-purposing it for health care denial will work.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Wednesday said no one can know the effects of the American Health Care Act on sick Americans until the bill goes into effect.

Spicer said there are “so many variables” to take into account when trying to make a determination on how legislation would affect people with preexisting conditions, which has been a major sticking point about the legislation in recent days.

“To do an analysis with any level of factual basis would be literally impossible,” Spicer said at the daily White House press briefing.

It’s not possible to answer the question no one asked about this bill, therefore no questions should be answered about this bill.

The AMA has taken a stab at an answer.

Despite amendments to bill, millions of Americans would still lose health insurance coverage

CHICAGO – American Medical Association (AMA) President Andrew W. Gurman, M.D., issued the following statement today about proposed changes to the American Health Care Act (AHCA):

“None of the legislative tweaks under consideration changes the serious harm to patients and the health care delivery system if AHCA passes. Proposed changes to the bill tinker at the edges without remedying the fundamental failing of the bill – that millions of Americans will lose their health insurance as a direct result of this proposal.

“High-risk pools are not a new idea. Prior to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, 35 states operated high-risk pools, and they were not a panacea for Americans with pre-existing medical conditions. The history of high-risk pools demonstrates that Americans with pre-existing conditions will be stuck in second-class health care coverage – if they are able to obtain coverage at all.

“Not only would the AHCA eliminate health insurance coverage for millions of Americans, the legislation would, in many cases, eliminate the ban against charging those with underlying medical conditions vastly more for their coverage.”

“America should not go backward to the time when our fellow citizens with pre-existing health conditions faced high costs for limited coverage, if they were able to obtain coverage at all. The AMA urges congressional leaders and the Administration to pursue a bipartisan dialogue on alternative policies that provide patients with access and coverage to high quality care and preserve the safety net for vulnerable populations.”

Everything I’m hearing indicates the GOP is gaining votes on this thing, so if you can, call your Rep.

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