Today in Trump’s America con’t
The JCC that’s almost literally around the corner from my house, and which I visited last week to check out some after-school programs, was also evacuated today because of a bomb threat. But hey that’s only two of our front pagers so far today, so let’s not exaggerate the scope of this kind of thing.
On a related note, it turns out that the Holocaust Remembrance Day White House message that omitted any mention of Jews was written by a Russian immigrant Jew. As others have noted, this sort of elision is a form of “soft” Holocaust denial, i.e., yes many Jews were killed by the Nazis, but so were lots of other people, so why is there so much attention given to the Jewish victims? (This very easily slides off into claims that there were no gas chambers or death camps, and people only died because of “harsh conditions” in the concentration camps and the like).
Needless to say it’s perfectly possible to give a full acknowledgement of the many other peoples who suffered and died under the Nazi regime without at the same time minimizing the centrality of the Final Solution to the Holocaust. The White House message was intentionally crafted to do the latter, because Steve Bannon is a hardcore anti-Semite in the cutesy semi-respectable-for-now if you don’t look too hard tradition of the early David Irving.
I’m not Jewish and I suppose it’s not really my place to ask this, but I will anyway: How can any Jewish people associate themselves with these types of individuals? It boggles the mind.