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Smear campaign works as intended


Someone started a rumor that a local restaurant was involved in a child trafficking ring run by Clinton. The restaurant and its employees received a lot of threats on the phone and online.

Today some heavily armed dung ball took things to the next illogical step.

A North Carolina man was arrested Sunday after he walked into a popular pizza restaurant in Northwest Washington carrying an assault rifle and fired one or more shots, D.C. police said. The man told police he had come to the restaurant to “self-investigate” an election-related conspiracy theory involving Hillary Clinton that spread online during her presidential campaign.

It didn’t matter that the target of the smear is a business in an affluent section of a large city. And since this sort of shit splashes, other businesses have received threats.

Matt Carr, the owner of the Little Red Fox market and coffee shop, said his business started getting threats last weekend. They got 30 to 40 calls before they stopped answering calls from blocked numbers, he said. “One person said he wanted to line us up in front of a firing squad,” said Carr, who spent more than an hour in lockdown with his employees Sunday.

Politics & Prose, one of the few surviving independent bookstores in the city, has also received threats.

So like that, a lot of people have learned firsthand that some faceless person can on a whim deliver irrationally scary shit right to their doorstep. And their only hope is people will get distracted and find someone else to bother. There’s no off switch for this sort of thing.

And we haven’t even started four years of Donald Trump the Tweetin’ President!

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