Komey Komedy Klassics
The WaPo is working in an appropriately dark vein:
The competing messages, according to officials in attendance, also reflect cultural differences between the FBI and the CIA. The bureau, true to its law enforcement roots, wants facts and tangible evidence to prove something beyond all reasonable doubt. The CIA is more comfortable drawing inferences from behavior.
“The FBI briefers think in terms of criminal standards — can we prove this in court,” one of the officials said. “The CIA briefers weigh the preponderance of intelligence and then make judgment calls to help policymakers make informed decisions. High confidence for them means ‘we’re pretty damn sure.’ It doesn’t mean they can prove it in court.”
Stop it, you’re killing me. No to mention the country…
While we’re here, as Dan says Wikileaks apparently received materials hacked from both parties but only leaked (some of) the DNC stuff:
They based that conclusion, in part, on another finding — which they say was also reached with high confidence — that the Russians hacked the Republican National Committee’s computer systems in addition to their attacks on Democratic organizations, but did not release whatever information they gleaned from the Republican networks.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, the comedy stylings of Prof. Ann Althouse:
How does that evidence support the finding that the Russians were trying to help Trump and hurt Hillary — as opposed to just hacking into everything they could? Are senior Obama administration officials reliable in making that leap or is this political junk?
To review:
- Wikileaks apparently received information hacked from both the DNC and RNC.
- It chose to leak only information obtained from Democratic officials.
- This information was released in a way designed to ensure a steady stream of news stories, which of course were overwhelmingly negative.
- They did not leak anything they obtained that came from the Republican Party.
- Ann Althouse does not understand why this set of facts supports an inference that Wikileaks was trying to help Trump and hurt Clinton.
In related news, Althouse does not understand how people can infer that using an umbrella in the rain makes you less wet.