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Stating the Obvious



Nate Silver is making sense:

It’s an emblematically annoying ending to the Democratic campaign, one that reflects both the acrimony between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and the fact that Clinton, in the end, is winning her party’s nomination by every available measure.

At 8:20 p.m. EDT on Monday night, the Associated Press declared Clinton to be the presumptive Democratic nominee based on her having accumulated 1,812 elected (pledged) delegates and 571 superdelegates, for 2,383 total delegates, exactly the number needed to win the nomination. In the overwhelming likelihood that Clinton’s nomination is confirmed at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia next month, she will officially become the first woman nominated for president by a major American political party.

I don’t really see the point of the AP making an official call in advance of the primaries on Tuesday. On the other hand, the idea that superdelegates were going to overturn the will of the Democratic electorate was always absurd. Clinton won, not because the process was “rigged” but because she got the most votes, by a substantial margin. It was clear before primaries on Tuesday and it will be clear after. So on to November, where the stakes are much higher.

…to add what also should be obvious: 1)The early AP call was dumb but 2)about AP wanting a scoop and nothing else and 3)clearly not in the interests of the Clinton campaign, which was going to have a delegate majority after tonight no matter what but got its parade rained on while adding fire to conspiracy theories about the outcome of the primaries.

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