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Fresh from the media’s mailbox

I didn’t ask for this sh-

One of the fun things about being a journalist is I don’t have look for RW shouty types. They come to me:

President Obama’s Credit Card Abuses Are Much Worse Than Marco Rubio’s

Sure, Obama isn’t running for office, and Rubio would probably like people to shut up about the credit cards. But to the dedicated RWer, any excuse to extrude a pile of words about Obama Destroyer of Worlds is a good excuse:

The media have become extremely interested in Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio’s GOP-provided American Express card, which he used between 2005 and 2008 when he was speaker of the Florida House. Apparently, the press is trying to turn the card—which had to be paid off every month—into a proxy for Rubio’s financial honesty and responsibility.

When low-information voters put Barack Obama in the White House, they provided him with a type of credit card—drawn on the U.S. Treasury, otherwise known as taxpayers. Yet for the past seven years the press has been singularly uninterested in how honest and responsible Obama has been with that financial trust.

He goes on. And on. He gets in a jab at Solyndra (really!) and Planned Parenthood and Obamacare. And the press. And the media. And the mainstream media, in case the reader forgets about the press between paragraphs. And then:

Merrill Matthews, Ph.D. is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI), an independent, nonprofit public policy research organization based in Dallas. Matthews is available for interview by contacting ….

Tempting. But neaux.

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