Post-Snow Day Links
- Anti-vaxxers are not clustered on the left, but among conspiracy-minded individuals across the political spectrum.
- The limits of litigation as a strategy for vindicating the rights of the less powerful, tenants edition.
- Whaddya know — Bill Cosby’s books have a lot of creepy stuff about women and sex in them.
- How can truth be a barrier when there are rubes waiting to be fleeced?
- Sanchez is worth reading on the Great P.C. Debate.
- Good for Marshawn Lynch. I particularly enjoy the hot takes about how players reciting cliches is PART OF THE JOB and if you don’t want to do interviews MAYBE YOU SHOULDN’T BE PAID LIKE A STAR EITHER. The rather obvious flaw in the logic is the assumption that the quantity of players reciting cliches to the media has a non-negligible effect on league revenues. I’d certainly like to see evidence for that.
- I agree Burneko about bed & breakfasts. I can at least understand, though, why people like them for leisure vacations. But as I’ve learned multiple times, for job interviews — or at least academic job interviews — they’re the worst. Either before or after 10 hours or so of high-stress, high-stakes interviews and presentation, the last thing I want is a de facto requirement to interact with others as a captive audience, generally without some of the amenities of a typical hotel. In that context, I want the most impersonal, antiseptic corporate hotel possible, not pretending to be interested in a stranger’s recent trip to the Grand Canyon.