The Boy Who Cried Hitler
Tuesday links…
I don’t know which of these is funniest:
- I do, however, know that the skree has gone well past 11. Here’s Roy’s–funny and awesome–take on the rightblogger response to ending the filibuster and the nukes deal with Iran.
- On the other hand, this bizarre bit of gymnastics from Victor David Hanson is really impressive. For an old guy, he really can twist himself into some pretty pretzely positions. This rumination on how people are dumb doody-heads because they like Lady Gaga and Kanye West ergo vote for the dumb negro leaves me with no doubt that VDH has learned how to human centipede himself. It’s just a flawed premise from the start, though, because if you know anything about Lady Gaga and Kanye West–and of course VDH doesn’t– you’d know that Kanye has actually made some artful, worthwhile music. And you’d know that Lady Gaga mostly writes her own stuff and has crafted some fun, listeneable, danceable Top 40. If you want to have a discussion about gratuitous vulgarity and the commercialization of music, they’re hardly where you’d start, unless you’re human centipede Victor Davis Hanson.
- I think this young NRO writer wins the internet, however, by complaining that Star Wars has, like, totally SOLD OUT, MAN. I especially love the ideas that there were no faceless bureaucrats involved SW before now and that there are no nerds who work at Disney.
Oh, wingnuts, I want to star in a romantic comedy with you.