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Team Jonah


Roy is more uncharitable than I am  in regards to Jonah’s latest. What’s his latest? It’s a florid, almost stream-of-conscious ode of Noonan-at-her-drunkest proportions to the much-lauded “Breaking Bad.”

It takes five pages to get around to the point that liberals are bad, but before he gets there, I sense genuine fandom. Like he actually just sits and enjoys the show and thinks about it afterward like a normal human being, not the guest of honor at an NRO cruise.

Perhaps I’m just wearing my Cheetos-colored glasses, but I actually get the feeling that if it weren’t for the fact that he needs to say “And, uh, of course it goes without saying that libruls SUCK” to get his sweet, sweet wingnut welfare, he would have written a straightforward article praising the show.

I’m not currently watching “Breaking Bad,” but based upon the non-psychotic portions of his review, I’ve decided to give it a try. Think about that for awhile. And now that I’ve blown your minds, let me bring you back down to earth.

Towards the end of his Walter White/movement conservatism slashfic, he says this:

Poetry is magical, transporting us to a golden age without sin. Novels are different: They are of the iron age. And that is why great novels are, by nature, conservative. I don’t mean that Tolstoy would oppose Obamacare or that Steinbeck was a supply-sider. That’s not the kind of conservatism I have in mind. Long before one gets into the partisan or ideological precepts and dogmas, there is at the irreducible core of conservatism the idea that human nature is what it is. Nation-states, technologies, cultures, even religions come and go, but what remains is humanity.


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