The inevitable bad choice of the New Jersey Democratic electorate happened last night with the victory of Empty Suit Booker in the state’s Senate primary. Soon to make us long for the days of Joe Lieberman, Booker will combine all of my favorite virtues in a senator: an insatiable ego, a love for television, grand presidential ambitions, Rheeism, an openly pro-corporate agenda, few core beliefs and certainly no core beliefs that would help working class people, and the fawning adoration of the Beltway media. The Washington Post is already giddy. Meanwhile, Alex Pareene’s desperate plea to New Jersey Democrats to elect Holt or Pallone fell on deaf ears, but we can still remember his article as a no doubt accurate prediction of Booker annoying us in coming years.
…I’m sure Booker’s long-time defenders Lanny Davis and Harold Ford are pretty happy today.