Stop repeating what I say, you’re making me look bad.
Ann Althouse finally tired of horrible people agreeing with the horrible things she writes and closed her comments to all but her husband. That Meade’s the foremost offender when it comes to defending her offensive positions seems not to have occurred to her. But I congratulate her on this “new experiment”:
Perhaps this is the first day of the new era on this blog. You won’t be able to see the comments that would have been written, but you will see how it changes me.
I’m not sure what “it” is, but I do so hope it “changes” her into something resembling a rational and compassionate human being.
I’d settle for sober.
I’m a little concerned about this idiot pack she’s loosed upon the rest of us, so if you notice a slight uptick in fringe lunacy, remember we have a policy that you’re welcome to enforce with wild abandon.
UPDATE [SL]: Why does Ann Althouse HATE FREE SPEECH? As I understand it from Althouse’s previous writings, if the principle means anything it sure means that people must have unlimited access to the comment sections of other blogs.