I feel like a bad person. Not that I am one.
Except when I’m mean. That dog’s excited his new book came out. So are some of his friends. Who am I to come in and have a laugh at his expense? Wait a minute — I’m that guy. The one who gave this talk. Of course I was going to come in and have a laugh at his expense. What could be better than having the author of The Tyranny of Cliches thank me for praising his
brilliant use of the cliché he unwittingly included (not to mention
mangled) in his diatribe against liberals and their reliance on clichés? -
Tyranny of Cliches (w/new Afterword) now on sale. amazon.com/gp/product/159…
@JonahNRO Choose: Tyranny of Clichés or a meal at McDonald’s. Both will stick with you for life, only one is healthy amazon.com/The-Tyranny-Cl…
.@JonahNRO is brilliant in Tyranny of Cliches: cons “look back on past & see it as prologue for present moment.” Couldn’t be said better.
@scottekaufman Sorry: Thanks! Some times I miss tweets, you know.