“We’re dirty guys and they doubt we were ever virgins but they don’t say the story is inaccurate.”
A commenter notes that Dan Filler, while still refusing to respond directly to Paul’s insolent inquires about whether he violated the privacy of his commenters, has issued a (particularly witless) non-denial denial:
Thanks for checking with me. As exciting as it would be to have been a character in this intriguing Whodunit, I’ve been tied up for the past week reliving the old days on the Grassy Knoll, visiting with colleagues at Area 51, and checking on my dear friend Jimmy Hoffa. Jimmy still can’t believe it’s been 48 years since Paul McCartney died.
Zing! Given that this is rather more verbiage than would be necessary to say “I didn’t give our commenters’ information to a third party,” I think anyone can interpret this. Although, granted, if you think that the information people acquire about anonymous commenters has to come from somewhere where the commenters commented, you probably think that LBJ had JFK killed because he couldn’t abide his Marxist radicalism.
[SEK: As a professional scholar of all things rhetorical — including but not limited to stuffs verbal, textual, audible, visual, synesthetic and otherwise relevant — all I can say is that there’s no evidence that Filler’s overcompensating or trying too hard or that he’s trying too hard or overcompensating.]