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Labor Notes


1. You’ve probably heard of employers asking for job applicants Facebook passwords. But it gets worse. They are also asking for last year’s W-2 forms. Why? So they can see how little they made and then pay them less than the job originally offered!

That is a new definition of disgusting.

2. Are you under 25 and want a good job? Good luck with that! Unemployment remains at 16.4% for people under 25.

3. Last week, Republicans set up some robo-calls blasting Obama’s record on stopping high unemployment in the U.S. They hired a firm in the Philippines to run it.

4. Democrats are having trouble paying for the Democratic convention this summer in Charlotte. Corporations won’t chip in. And neither will a lot of unions. Why? Because the DNC chose to have it in a right-to-work state. In 2008, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers paid $1 million for the convention in Denver. This year, $0. Same with UNITE-HERE.

5. American CEO’s make only an average of 231 times the salary of the average worker.

I would support a law limiting CEOs to making, say, 20 times the average worker. Does this not make sense to people? Can such huge income inequalities really lead to a successful nation?

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