How Dare the Media Report on Issues That Affected Congressional Races?
Col. Mustard would like to register a complaint about Media Bias:
The MSM will message for Democrats all day long. Already last night the NY Times rand a banner “Rubuke Seen To Medicare Plan.”
Oddly, the Colonel cannot be bothered to explain what is inaccurate about this headline. Is he denying that Medicare was a major issue in this race? Is he denying the abundantly obvious fact that the Republican plan to replace Medicare with vouchers of decreasing value is extremely unpopular? He doesn’t say. So what is his explanation?
The ability of Democrats to scare grandma should not be underestimated.
Or, in other words, the election was a “rebuke to the Republican Medicare plan.” It’s just wrong for the Times to report this accurately rather than talking about “scaring grandma!” And how unseemly of those mean Democrats not respecting the privacy of votes taken by members of the House of Representatives. This is funny too:
Republicans need to be very proactive and very hard hitting is getting ahead of Democrats and explaining not only that no one currently receiving Medicare will be affected, but that the current system will result in severe rationing if changes are not made.
Ah, yes, let’s assume that keeping the current Medicare system will mean “severe rationing.” Clearly, then, the only solution is to kill Medicare and instead provide vouchers that will not allow many seniors to afford health insurance. You see, that’s rationing by merit! And although the Ryan plan is a great deal, it’s important to emphasize that it won’t be given to current seniors, because…look, it’s Halley’s Comet.
Anyway, I strongly encourage Republicans to “get out in front of this issue” by continuing to believe that the right messaging can sell a plan that destroys Medicare in order to finance massive upper-class tax cuts. Yep, the next candidate will make that popular! And if it doesn’t work, you can blame the Bias of the Lamestream Media!