My Question
I wonder how Althouse’s low-wattage cheering section reconciles her recent discovery that private corporations should be committed to “viewpoint neutrality” with their terror over the consequences of restoring the fairness doctrine (which is totally going to happen despite the near-total lack of political support, just you wait!)
If I may be permitted to state the obvious, the whole idea of companies having the same obligation to viewpoint neutrality that the state does is bizarre and transparently unworkable. Does Fox News have to give equal time to liberal contributors? Does the Conservative Book Club have to be well-stocked with the works of Gramsci? Do science magazines have to give columns to young-earth creationists and vaccines-cause-autism cranks? The whole idea is nutty.
Her response to a commenter gives us a bonus example of the wingnuttery those mean searching-for-heretic liberals always focus on rather than the progressive views she allegedly holds in private:
“I am wondering how an iPhone app could cure gayness. Some kind of aversion therapy involving show tunes and WNBA broadcasts? [Your local dimwitted sports talk show host phoned and would like you to stop using his lines from 2006. –ed.]”
I don’t know, but maybe some people who love gayness might find it amusing.
Oddly, examples of gays and lesbians (or people who “love gayness”) who get a major hoot out of “cure yourself of the awful disease of homosexuality” bigots are omitted.