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Giving Away the Show


Shorter Daniel Pipes: the only explanation I can come up with for why some Muslim women win beauty pageants is that there’s some nefarious affirmative action conspiracy; after all, who could consider women of color or non-Christian women attractive? I am not a racist crackpot.

…I wish I could say that this was confined to one crank, but alas this isn’t the case. (Adam has more.)

Update (Paul): I particularly like this insight from Michelle Malkin:

“I believe that birth control is just like every other medication even though it’s a controlled substance,” Fakih said.

Imagine if those words had come out of the mouth of Carrie Prejean or Sarah Palin.

Between the NYTimes, MSNBC, Jon Stewart, and the late night talkers, we wouldn’t hear the end of it.

The left-wing media bias couldn’t be more obvious, could it? Right-wing beauty queen and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is inexplicably held to a higher standard in regard to knowledge of public issues than fatwa-wielding Islamoterrorist* beauty queen Rima Fakih (I confess I had to look up whether birth control pills qualify as controlled substances.)

The best take on Pipes is from trex in comments at Political Animal:

On his blog yesterday, Pipes pointed out five other Muslim women who’ve won beauty contests in the U.S., Britain and France over the last five years. “They are all attractive, but this surprising frequency of Muslims winning beauty pageants makes me suspect an odd form of affirmative action,” he wrote.

The surprising frequency of media commentary by the racist, xenophobic conspiracy-theorist Daniel Pipes makes ME suspect an odd form of affirmative action, one funded by right-wing nutjobs.

h/t Glenn Greenwald

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