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I’d have to agree that “how dare you respond to our laws that give the police virtually unlimited discretion to detain people for the crime of not having a passport handy by not coming to our economically suffering police state” isn’t much of an argument.

As many of you know, Arizona is sort of the Florida of Western Canada (i.e. proof that cold winters will make some people put up with a lot of dreariness in their vacation spots as long as it’s warm.)   I’m not the kind of person who finds that winter makes me yearn for endless strip malls and golf courses, but if I was I’d certainly be looking into other options.   Among other things, losing your passport is a massive pain in the ass if you need it to get on a plane back home, and if you have to carry it with you everywhere, bad things can happen.  I suppose they’re counting on white tourists assuming — all-too-reasonably! — that  the enforcement of the laws will be flagrantly racist, but why bother with this at all?

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