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Wow. Condolences to TBogg — and congratulations to Jeebus. I was pulling for the Padres, but that was an amazing game. With the Phils and now Colorado having closed out the regular season with improbable runs to the playoffs, I can’t think of another pennant race quite like it. It genuinely makes me wish I paid more attention to the National League.

…UPDATE [By SL]: I thought TBogg was out arranging a contract on Tim McClelland? It seemed to me that they also blew the call on the possible homer that would have made it 7-5 (God knows the soporific TBS broadcast — Gad, this is going to be painful — couldn’t seem to be bothered to even find out the relevant ground rule, so it’s tough to be sure), so it evens out. Anyway, Jesus, did Trevor Hoffman choke it up this year.

But what a great game. When was the last time a play-in went to extra innings? Is it unprecedented?

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