I don’t want to think about the “Chief Justice Thomas”
Lindsay Beyerstein offers a recipe for the “Santorum Shot”: chai tea concentrate, chartreuse, and vodka. Despite me general belief that there should be many fewer vodka-based drinks in the world, a fine concoction.
Based on election night 2004, I offer the “George W. Bush (term II):”
–Several glasses of Islay single malt (purchased at exceptional duty-free shop at Trudeau International Airport–another good reason to visit Montreal! And any pending election night featuring a no-talent assclown incumbent is like defending your dissertation–no matter how it turns out, you’ll want to drinkĀ something.)
–3 Percocet tablets saved from 2003 dental surgery
I’m not sure I can recommend this as a frequent regimen–your kidneys would sue me–but keep it in mind when President Brownback is elected in 2008! It really works in context…