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Month: July 2004

Since the FMA hasn't passed yet, however, Jesse Taylor notes that the Republicans are getting conservative vanity candidate Ralph Nader on the ballot in Michigan. Again, let's remember: Nader's entire reason d'etre is to complain that the Democrats are insufficiently steadfast on the important issues of the...

Is the FMA Viable?

On July 8, 2004

Andrew Sullivan argues against quietism with respect to the Federal Marriage Amendment: Orrin Hatch's piece in National Review Online is a depressing read. Hatch was once skeptical of the Musgrave amendment.

It’s all over

In General
On July 8, 2004
Ugh, now I remember why I avoid reading Dowd. Rob, I understand your animus towards Friedman, but Dowd must go first. Could you write a more vapid, gossipy, content-free 800 words than this to win a bet? If I might attempt to offer a summary: Teresa Heinz...


On July 8, 2004

Here's a dialogue between Tacitus and Steve Sailer. Sailer insists that racial inequality is based on biology, and Tacitus drops the hammer on him. More commentary from Orcinus. Maybe the NYT should hire.

The Competence Question

In General
On July 7, 2004
It's always nice to see smart people say something I've been saying for years. First, Jacob Levy. A solid lifelong tried-and-true libertarian (something I've always wondered how he might square with his decidedly undogmatic views on multiculturalism and the possibility of group rights, which are far...


On July 6, 2004

Apparently, all intelligence failures related to the Iraq War are the fault of the CIA. Never mind that the neocons set up an independent intelligence operation in the Pentagon because the.

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