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But he’s always so sweet to me when he’s sober


The anonymous complaint that was sent to Republican Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado, claimed that Kavanaugh physically assaulted a woman he socialized with in the Washington, D.C., area in 1998 while he was inebriated.

The sender of the complaint described an evening involving her own daughter, Kavanaugh and several friends in 1998.

“When they left the bar (under the influence of alcohol) they were all shocked when Brett Kavanaugh, shoved her friend up against the wall very aggressively and sexually.”

“There were at least four witnesses including my daughter.” The writer of the letter provided no names but said the alleged victim was still traumatized and had decided to remain anonymous herself.

I have some further information about this incident which I’m not presently at liberty to discuss (Cory Gardner is a former student of mine, which is indirectly related to this fact.  I haven’t had any contact with him or his office about it).  All I can say at this time is that it should be taken very seriously.

I’d also like to point out that this incident took place 16 years after Christine Blasey Ford says a very drunk 17-year-old Kavanaugh attacked her.

The problem with getting totally wasted on the regular, as alcoholics tend to get, is that people almost inevitably do extremely stupid stuff when they’re very drunk.  If they’re lucky, the stupid stuff is merely reckless and embarrassing rather than actually criminal, but if you get shitty drunk often enough, your luck is almost sure to run out.

If Brett Kavanaugh was getting wasted an average of once a week between 1982 and 1998* — quite possibly a conservative estimate, given what we know about him — that’s more than 800 spins of the roulette wheel.   It would be the least surprising thing in the world to discover that he had done a bunch of stuff that ought to have disqualified him from becoming a federal judge, let alone being put on the SCOTUS.  What would be extremely surprising would be if he hadn’t.

*When and indeed if Kavanaugh stopped having what is politely known as a “drinking problem” remains unknown.

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