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White chickens at the home of The Terps

A white supremacist flier found on the campus of the University of Maryland. (Jessica Goldberg)
A white supremacist flier found on the campus of the University of Maryland. (Jessica Goldberg)

Over the summer, black bears showed up on University of Maryland’s campus. Last week it was visited by white chickens.

A person who responded to messages at one of American Vanguard’s Twitter accounts said he founded the group last year. He said the group has 100 members around the country, and four in the College Park area, including two on campus. He said the group recruits on social media and has garnered attention for posting fliers at nine college campuses so far. He corresponded with The Washington Post and agreed to comment on condition of anonymity, saying that he fears reprisals.

I’ve never understood how anyone expects to lead the Battle for Blancness if they’re afraid of reprisals. However, the mind of the aggressive coward has always been a mystery to me. Be it the class bully or the gazillionth Chas Fitzwhitepower yelling about the undeniable superiority of the master race, such people don’t want a fight; they want a victory. This is why the least whiff of disagreement from other whites – the so-called race traitor – horrifies Fitzwhitepower (and by the same token, why failing to disagree with him is a form of encouragement): Not only is that one less body between him and The Enemy, it’s a potential enemy who cheats by looking like a real person. Unfair!

But in the case of Chas Fitzwhitepower #32,256 he may also be afraid of reprisals from his fellow Fitzwhitepowers.

“I’ve seen my hometown flooded with immigrants, my family struggle financially and Marxist garbage taught in our schools,” he said in a message. “I’ve been waiting for a real American nationalist group for years, but I came to the realization that I’d have to do it myself.”

With an original list of complaints like that I can see why #32,256 was dissatisfied with all of those poseur nationalists out there. Or perhaps that’s White Supremacy, Trumplethinskin Style at work. A sort of weenie individualism that must first assert one’s greatness, never fail to emphasize that the other guys are losers and then whine. This may not make them harmless, but should serve as a reminder that pushing the buttons of thin-skinned cowards is an essential part of resisting fascism.

As an aside, the pale pullets visited campus the day after finals began, but the I.W.W. seems to have stepped into the breach by posting fliers condemning the event.

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