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History’s Greatest Martyr: The Sociological Significance of it All


This collection of quotes from Robert Bork, the towering intellect whose defeated Supreme Court nomination was the greatest injustice in known human history, is another sad manifestation in the politics of personal destruction.  If there’s a dirtier form of politics that quoting Bork’s own words, I don’t know what it is.

And they actually left out one of the choicest ones:

Sooner of later censorship is going to have to be considered as popular culture continues plunging to ever more sickening lows…It is possible to argue for censorship…on the ground that in a republican form of government where the people rule, it is crucial that the character of the citizenry not be debased…Can there be any doubt that as pornography and depictions of violence become increasingly popular and increasingly accessible, attitudes about marriage, fidelity, divorce, obligations to children, the use of force, and permissible public behavior and language will change?…It would be better, I think, to drop the word “feminism” because the movement no longer has a constructive role to play; its work is done. There are no artificial barriers left to women’s achievement.”

But, clearly, Bork’s belief that the government had wide latitude to suppress artistic expression would not have affected his 1st Amendment jurisprudence! And his belief that gender inequality ended the day the 19th Amendment was ratified would not have affected his 14th Amendment jurisprudence, which would have remained as scrupulously apolitical as Antonin Scalia’s! And he was such a charming person to have a martini with at a restricted club, not like that shrill Sonia Sotomayor!

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