world war I
Most of these posts have discussed texts that there really isn't much point for normal people to read. This post is an exception. Edward Carpenter's furious 1916 pamphlet Never Again!,.
October is over. That means the merciful end of pumpkin beer season, thank higher powers that may or may not exist. It also means the end of daylight savings, which.
Dead horse, World War I This photo was sent to me by a reader. Her grandfather Gabriel Penn Cummings II took it when he served in the U.S. military during.
This Halloween, let me give you as your treat this 1918 U.S. government pamphlet about venereal disease given to soldiers returning from World War I. Trick or treat indeed.
There were lots of cats hanging around soldiers during World War I. They were cute. That is all.
I'm a bit skeptical of crediting World War I as the primary reason for the decline of the corset and rise of the bra. Usually things like this have multifaceted.
A fake dead horse constructed to serve as a sniper's pit by the U.S. Army Signal Corps in No Man's Land, World War I. This was sent to me by.
Today, I play amateur historian. I'm not a pro, of course, though I did double major as an undergrad (history & pol sci). In this respect, I have a greater.