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An Extremely Dangerous Point

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On August 22, 2008
I concur with Ackerman et al that Maliki is taking a very serious gamble by moving against the "Awakening" leadership. The success of the Iraqi Army in Basra and Baghdad (albeit with US support) has been greater than I expected, but challenging the Sunni elite...


On July 28, 2008

From Marc Lynch's summary of a US Institute for Peace panel he attended last week.:Finally, Kim Kagan shocked me with a comment made forcefully, twice, once towards the end of.

Surge Evaluation

On June 28, 2008

I mostly agree with what Ezra says here, here, and here about David Brooks Surge column. I would diverge slightly in regards to his discussion of the four trends that.


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On June 24, 2008
Weak, even for him:But before long, the more honest among the surge opponents will concede that Bush, that supposed dolt, actually got one right. Some brave souls might even concede that if the U.S. had withdrawn in the depths of the chaos, the world would...

Prisoner Surge

On May 8, 2008

And so it goes:U.S. forces are holding nearly all of these [24,000] persons indefinitely, without an arrest warrant, without charge, and with no opportunity for those held to defend themselves.

On Awakening…

On April 24, 2008

Phil Carter and Eli Lake, in reference to the article discussed here:Does it look to anyone else as if Eli is smoking a joint? One of the interesting things about.

Some Initial Basra Thoughts…

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On March 31, 2008
This looks to me like a clean victory for Sadr. In the words of the immortal Jim Malone, if you open the door on these people, you have to be prepared to close it; Maliki couldn't close it, and now he looks pathetic. It's becoming...

More on the Surge

On March 26, 2008

Following up on Scott's post about today's outbursts in Baghdad and Basra -- which suggest a possible collapse of the Shia cease-fire -- here's Marc Lynch on the other half.

Dunlap Makes the Case…

On January 10, 2008

...for abolishing the Air Force better than I ever could. In a rather incoherent op-ed in yesterday's NYT, Major General Charles Dunlap makes the following series of claims:The military success.

Surge Thoughts

On November 15, 2007

I've been waiting a bit before posting any thinking on the Surge and the drop in violence in Iraq, but I think it's time now for a few observations.First off,.

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