Here's an interesting case with potential major implications: A janitors’ union in San Francisco has taken on a court battle with major implications for what workers can do to protest.
In the recent history of economic justice, one of the most prominent success stories is the $15 minimum wage in Sea-Tac, Washington. The small town where the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.
On October 23, 1995, John Sweeney won the election to become president of the AFL-CIO. This ground shifting event began the process of moving the federation away from its staid.
My only take about the Harvey Weinstein situation is that there are so many people like him in positions of power throughout the nation and the world and that while.
This article on SEIU's budget cuts confirms what my own internal sources at the union have told me: it is cutting back big time because Friedrichs II is on the.
Rich Yeselson is always worth reading, agree with him or not. His long review essay of books by three former SEIU leaders, including former president Andy Stern and the activist.
The proposed agreement between SEIU and Airbnb collapsed under withering attack from other unions and the San Francisco left. In a statement obtained by the Guardian on Thursday afternoon, SEIU.
There is no more difficult labor union to read and write about than SEIU. This is for two reasons. First, it operates somewhat differently than other labor unions, including having.