That single Monmouth poll from a few weeks ago sure does mean that Democrats are screwed this fall: President Donald Trump's approval rating in a new CNN poll conducted by.
In one of the comment threads last week, commenters were flipping out because of one weird Monmouth poll that showed a significant improvement in Republican polling numbers. And yes, Republican.
Several days ago in these very pages, discussion ensued regarding the latest conservative attempt to rewrite reality through re-weighting polls to one guy's liking. Of course, polling is not an.
As Erik points out, Silver has positive news for Obama in Ohio. Much of this optimism hangs on the house effect of the recent Gravis Marketing poll; measuring and adjusting for.
Can be found here. In short, it looks to be successful. Longer, the BPIX poll that was released yesterday is being touted as having a large enough sample size to.
I promise that this will not be a daily habit of mine, but the Tory +2% lead poll did generate the predictable breathless excitement on these islands.YouGov's daily tracker indeed.
The Observer published the new Ipsos-MORI poll on Sunday on voting intentions for the forthcoming British election, and the media are all aflutter about its implications. Specifically, the Tory lead.
I, and several others, suggested that in the wake of Nick Griffin's appearance on the BBC, support for his non-racist British National Party would not appreciably increase. Indeed, Andrew Rawnsley.