Good for them, and especially for the 70 Democrats who refused to issue an ex post facto rubber stamp for the executive branch's latest exercise in foreign policy adventurism. Update:.
My thoughts on Gates' NATO speech: It is worth noting, however, that protection of Libyan civilians through airstrikes sits so far outside NATO's founding purpose that the framers of the.
I suspect we're coming to the end of the road. @RT_com: Medvedev at G8: Gaddafi has lost his legitimacy and must step down See also.
As Rob wrote on Wednesday, Britain and France are deploying attack helicopters to support the mission in Libya. Last night, Radio 4 reported that the British contribution is four Apaches.
My WPR column this week is an extension of this post from last week: What has been absent thus far, however, has been the strategic use of airpower: airstrikes designed.
Rebel progress in Libya: In the besieged western city of Misurata hundreds of rebels broke through one of the front lines late on Sunday, and by Monday afternoon were consolidating.
Still not a war though. Interesting thoughts from former Pentagon analyst on the politics of drone warfare.
My column this week is on early lessons from Libya: The bombing of Libya was supposed to teach the region's autocrats that the international community would not stand by and.