fred hiatt
Robert Samuelson gives away the show: Obama's behavior resembles a highly indebted family's taking an expensive round-the-world trip because it claims to have found ways to pay for it. It's.
I suppose it stands to reason that Fred Hiatt would add torture apologist Marc Thiessen (link which I would urge you not to click) to its existing stable of rape.
Richard Cohen. The fact that a plausible list of the worst WaPo columnists could be compiled an not include him remains amazing; as Paul says, it's like a mirror image.
It's actually kind of impressive how many obvious errors of analysis Charles Lane packs into a few paragraphs here:I can't remember a more breathtaking 48 hours in politics since Barack.
Shorter William Daley: The Democratic coalition needs to be big enough to encompass legislators who oppose every significant item on a moderately progressive agenda, or the party is doomed.
I'd have to agree that Richard Cohen -- if only for his status as a nominal "liberal" -- merits addition to this list. But I'd remove the merely boring Hoagland.
Fred Hiatt. "If the cost controls from a public option go away then Congress will magically impose cost controls that affect vested interests even more directly" is a pretty impressive.
I'm sure a lot of our students are hoping that we'll adopt Fred Hiatt's rigorous standards for assessing the veracity of claims* published in his op-ed pages:Me: I always like.