defense spending
What Weinstein said: Funny thing is, plenty of stuff will be missing from the Pentagon's "bottom line"...and plenty more questions will go unanswered. That's pretty much the norm: Pro-military politicians,.
First off, let me recommend some reading on a couple of defense issues. Galrahn has an excellent post (really, the latest of a long, long series of excellent posts) on.
I don't want to interrupt Jeffrey Goldberg's hand-wringing, but this really stood out: Israel may face, in the coming year, a threat to its existence the likes of which it.
Emptywheel notes that one element of Shelby's decision to put a blanket hold on all nominees was to defend the Airbus bid for the new USAF tanker aircraft. This represents.
The 2010 Quadriennial Defense Review is now available.
Attackerman:Everyone in Washington who studies the Pentagon budget quickly finds gobs and gobs of wasteful spending. Not some people. Not dirty hippies. Every. Single. Defense. Analyst. If I was so.
This is well out of my normal terrain, but a couple weeks ago a high profile commission reported on the future priorities of UK defense spending. The commission, operating out.
Conscription in Russia continues to suck:The year 1991 also had a particularly low birth rate, which makes a huge peacetime draft even more of a challenge. The young men are.