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In Uncategorized
On July 6, 2009
Andy McCarthy ingests more than his daily allowance of crazy pills (and let me tell you, that's a lot of crazy pills):The Wall Street Journal (as flagged in the NRO web briefing) reports on rioting in China by Uighur "students" that has left scores dead...

The Mao Zedong?

On June 27, 2009

Fascinating; the unscientific popular choice for the name of China's first aircraft carrier is Mao Zedong:But which was the runaway favorite in two polls conducted earlier this month? Mao Zedong.He.

Sunday Book Review: Strait Talk

In Uncategorized
On June 14, 2009
Nancy Tucker's Strait Talk, published earlier this year, is a detailed examination of the triangular relationship between Washington, Taipei, and Beijing between the 1970s and today. Tucker focuses on the role that Taiwan played in the negotiations that normalized relations between the United States in...

North Korea Nuclear News

On June 13, 2009

Fox News is reporting this morning that North Korea has declared the existence of its uranium program, and is threatening the weaponize its remaining plutonium. The New York Times confirms.

Chinese SSBNs

In Uncategorized
On May 31, 2009
Check out this fabulously informative article on Chinese SSBNs. The PLAN is building between four and six Jin-class nuclear ballistic missile subs, which when complete will constitute a deterrent on the same order as that possessed by France or the United Kingdom. According to the...

China Stealing Russian Designs Again?

In Uncategorized
On May 23, 2009
I'm sure that the Chinese just arrived independently at the idea of having a folding-wing version of the Su-27:Russia is eyeing China following media reports that an unlicensed variant of the Sukhoi Su-33 carrier-borne multirole fighter has been developed. Sukhoi officials are "closely monitoring that...

Zhao Ziyang

On May 17, 2009

This should prove remarkably interesting; a Zhao Ziyang recorded memoir of his CCP tenure during the 1980s has been smuggled out of China and is being published:But in this long,.

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