Fascinating; the unscientific popular choice for the name of China's first aircraft carrier is Mao Zedong:But which was the runaway favorite in two polls conducted earlier this month? Mao Zedong.He.
What follows is a long, largely unoriginal rumination on the state, coercion, the Odessa Steps, and Tank Man. Skip to the end for trivial observations about the current situation in.
Fox News is reporting this morning that North Korea has declared the existence of its uranium program, and is threatening the weaponize its remaining plutonium. The New York Times confirms.
It helps if you read these two posts with the soundtrack from "You Only Live Twice" playing in the background. Via Axe.
I have a piece up at Comment is Free on the prospects for cooperation between China and the US on managing North Korea. The title, sadly, was not of my.
Feng at ID highlights two new bits of data on China's aircraft carrier program. The first is that the Chinese have carried out significant work on the ex-Varyag, the Kuznetsov.
This should prove remarkably interesting; a Zhao Ziyang recorded memoir of his CCP tenure during the 1980s has been smuggled out of China and is being published:But in this long,.
But I don't understand; why are the dolphins fighting on behalf of the Communists? Have the Chinese been training dolphins for combat? Do we face a dolphin gap? Thousands of.