birthers r us
Too wingnutty for Jan Brewer. Although not too wingutty for erstwhile Republican hopeful Bobby Jindal.
As some Goldstein lickspittles reminded us recently, Jack Cashill may very well be more serious than Saint Ryan himself. In related news, Althouse remains birther-curious. You see, regardless of the.
Orly Taitz, the enterprising lawyer who has filed various lawsuits alleging that Barack Obama is constitutionally ineligible to be president of the United States, has achieved the perhaps unique legal.
"Mean" Jean Schmidt, who "represents" me in Congress, is apparently a Birther:Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) spoke at the Voice of America tea party this Labor Day weekend outside of Cincinnati,.
I admire the work Andrew Sullivan has done keeping the torture scandal in the public eye, and I like some of his other work too. So I don't particularly enjoy.
Media double standards.