air power
I think there's a limit to the utility of this kind of argument, regarding a new laser-based air defense system:This all sort of leaves me wondering what problem this technology.
A few years ago, a student of mine worked out the implications of a large scale Chinese SRBM (short range ballistic missile) attack on Taiwan. He argued that the attack.
Bernard Finel handles the latest attack-Iran nonsense capably, but I'd like to supplement three points:Fabius Maximus refers to General Wald's post as part of a "years long project to start.
John Boonstra, responding to Paul Johnson:What we don't know is if a successful Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities would discredit the regime to the point that it would be.
Senate rejects extra funding for the F-22!!!!
Spencer has been following the F-22 debate closer than I; it appears that Carl Levin lacks the votes to outright kill the F-22, and thus that the potential for a.
The F-22 was supposed to free us from the costs of maintaining on aging, expensive fleet of F-15s. Turns out that this may have been a touch optimistic, and that.
Mike Mullen thinks so. Boeing and the Russians disagree. I guess I'm with Mullen; there are currently jobs that manned warplanes can do that drones can't perform (human pilots are.