As I am desperately trying to write the draft of my book on strikes, one of the things I've had to sacrifice is writing book reviews here. They take too.
Most of you already know about the awesome event of this morning, when an activist by the name of Bree Newsome climbed up the flagpole outside the South Carolina capitol.
Amy Merrick wrote a piece in The New Yorker about the terrible conditions in the sweatshops that make clothing for Forever 21, a department store focusing on low cost clothing.
I really loved reading this Rebecca Solnit article on "leftsplaining" after being attacked on Twitter all day yesterday from self-proclaimed lefties because I suggested that those who urge us to.
David at It's Not a Lecture has some interesting thoughts on iPhone apps and activism: Tech-savvy and issue-conscious consumers will be getting information not only about how a given product.