Recent DVD Purchases

In Robert Farley
On November 19, 2004
Lacking anything better to blog about. . . I have recently found myself in the mood to purchase DVDs. This mood strikes a few times a year, and usually leaves me in an impoverished state. I have tried to manage my problem by limiting myself to...

New Look, and Tax Terror

In Robert Farley
On November 18, 2004
Loyal (and disloyal) Readers, The color switch has now been installed, thanks to the assistance of Seb from Sadly, No! and the indominatable Andrew Martin. Let us know if it works, or if it causes problems. Also, make sure to read this post from Paperwight on tax...

Incredibly Bad Taste. . .

In Robert Farley
On November 17, 2004
Yet remarkably funny, from Roger Ailes: [Brooks:] It's totally different. I always swore that I would never agree to be a columnist because it's like slavery. You've got to come up with an idea every three or four days. So I finish my column on a Monday...


On November 16, 2004


At some point last year, Christopher Hitchens took an insurmountable lead in the "idiocy in the name of contrarianism" contest he was having with Gregg Easterbrook. I missed this when.

Abortion and Liberal Mobilization

In General
On November 15, 2004
While I generally (if tentatively) agree with Ezra and the Moose that overturning Roe would be bad for the Republican Party at the national level (although, for reasons I've previously discussed, I think more states would ban abortion than is commonly assumed), I respectfully disagree with some of the...
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