Sexism Of The Day

In Uncategorized
On December 12, 2007
Apparently those crazy women actually spend money when they're engaged in corruption, whereas men engaged in corruption mostly just, you know, give the money they skim to starving Albanian orhpans and stuff. No man whole stole taxpayer money would buy, say, a "Rolls-Royce, a yacht and...

Who Cares?

On December 12, 2007


Writing about the "is sexual orientation genetic or is it a choice?" pointless dichotomy, M. Leblanc makes a point that isn't made often enough:Arguing that things are out of someone's.

Bill Clinton Faces the Robot Menace

On December 12, 2007


Elementary chaos theory predicts that robots will eventually rise up and heckle their masters. So this is really not surprising:A University of Iowa professor dressed as a robot interrupted Bill.


Are You Serious?

In Uncategorized
On December 12, 2007
So, I was all ready to write a serious post today applauding the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC) for making the new, reduced crack sentencing guidelines retroactive. Between this and the Gall/Kimbrough decisions yesterday, it's been an encouraging week for those of us who care about...


On December 11, 2007


The good news is that I have accepted offer on a co-op that I fell in love with immediately upon seeing it. The bad news is the immense blizzard of.


On December 11, 2007


SEIU tells union-bustin' Chris Lehane that his services will no longer be necessary. Good. Now if only Democratic candidates will follow their lead...

My Job Search

In Uncategorized
On December 11, 2007
Like Don Douglas, Robert Maranto, and so many other conservatives in academia, I too have suffered the heartbreak of discrimination in the job market. Prior to settling at the University of Kentucky, I was turned down for roughly 140 jobs over a three year period, my...

The Big Con: Disability Edition

On December 11, 2007


Via Gary Farber, the disability-support infrastructure of the United States government seems to be breaking down:More and more people have lost their homes, declared bankruptcy or even died while awaiting.

Sentencing Round-Up

In Uncategorized
On December 10, 2007
Scott covered the important points in his post about the Supreme Court's decision today in Gall and Kimbrough. Boiled down, the Court in these cases says that it meant what it said in Booker: the Sentencing Guidelines are just that -- suggestions -- and federal judges...

So Many Anecdotes!

On December 10, 2007


In response to Robert Maranto's editorial, Donald Douglas of Long Beach City College spills his guts and exposes the leftist cesspool of higher education:Maranto's discussion rings very true in my.

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